.Bracco Italiano Kennel Di Ala D'Oro
.Jaap Muller & Tina Steffens


News Page 2020

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27-12-2020 Christmas is over and the New Year is upon us. Let's look back at the year 2020. Actually we had nothing to complain about, two puppies from Duffy's litter stayed at our home. Edda was mated and in February there was a trip to Italy with our Bes, Duffy and Brogio, actually to run the first official competitions with the young dogs there. But Italy became completely under the spell of corona, the matches were canceled one by one. Fortunately, we could still use the beautiful fields and so we mainly hunted and trained with our friends and dogs. In April Edda's litter arrived, a whole soccer team was born, for us a big present. The corona shit passed by without harming us, because we were busy at home with the naughty team but also with Duffy's children Vivi and Joep. We enjoyed the warm summer in June, July and August . September, October flew by too. November was especially exciting and ultimately sad because of Bes's failed pregnancy. Fortunately we can let you know at the end of the year that Besje has now fully recovered. We look forward to the new year, hopefully there will be a solution for the corona and the annoying corona measures. In any case, we will try to make the best of it again. Are you curious about even more or other Ala D'Oro kennel news? follow us on the Ala D'Oro BLOG or on our Ala D'Oro Facebook page!

09-11-2020Dear people, we have some sad news about the puppies from our Bes and Amore. Bes unexpectedly contracted prematurely. Spontaneously and by natural birth only dead puppies were born. At the moment Bes is doing well, we are going to work to get her back in good working condition. Besides being sad, we are of course very disappointed. Everything was ready to give the puppies a loving welcome. Unfortunately, we know from experience that breeding dogs has beautiful but also less beautiful moments. This is a less beautiful moment, but it also makes us grateful too. Because we have had a lot of sweet reactions from friends and acquaintances in recent days, thank you for that. What now. As soon as our Bess is in shape and we can travel again, we hope to be able to go on a competition tour with her. We wanted that last spring, but then the corona put a stop to that. Now unexpectedly we have the the time to work Bes and hope we will be ready for some fieldwork fun with her for the coming spring. In any case, we have no plans for another litter with Bes at the moment. When we do have a litter in our kennel again depends on Edda, although not before summer 2021, we have an exciting appointment with Edda with an Italian male. We will inform everyone about this when the time comes.. Are you curious about even more or other Ala D'Oro kennel news? follow us on the Ala D'Oro BLOG or on our Ala D'Oro Facebook page!

3-11-2020 We hope to welcome the puppies of our Bess soon. We've been waiting for 51 days, so we will have to be patient for at least another 12 days. Bess is growing steadily, her belly is already quite round. She finally seems to resign herself to the fact that a game of running and playing with a belly (and big tits) is not that convenient. This week we are going to work to prepare the room for this litter. Dog couch out, outside hatch closed, litter box in. It will be a bit difficult for the teenagers Vivi an Joop (Joop previously called Bice) when they are no longer welcome in this sunny room. In the meantime in our other dogs hormones are also rushing through theire body's. Because of this we cannot really speak of a harmonious pack at the moment. With Bess pregnant and Bastiana, Edda and now also Duffy in heat, our teenagers Vivi and Joop really don't have it easy. The ladies are not really happy with this hormone boost of their beloved Mom and aunties. By default, the teenagers receive a grunt and / or snarl when they behave too enthusiastically. No, at the moment the family members are far from nice. And that certainly applies if you have not previously cared about "angry voices" of your family members, it is now a loud laughter because the "angry voices"now regularly walk their talks. Anyone who does not want to listen must feel ... fortunately it has not yet caused any physical damage. These weeks we received a lot of photos, thank you very much for that, which are of course posted on the update photos page. The beautiful photo on the right shows Rosalina da Edda di Ala D'Oro, pet name Poosje.The photo on the front page is from Lina da Edda di Ala D'Oro, pet name Lola

08-10-2020Yes! We can look forward to puppies from Bess and Amore. The mating took place a while ago and today the pregnancy was confirmed by an ultrasound at the vet. Bes is pregnant!! We are looking forward to meeting the puppies, the due date of Bes is in mid-November. So exciting again! But also so relaxed because this time planning days off is easy as I don't have to worry about a "boss". Jaap can plan some extra days off for the boss here and there if he feels like it. Feels like super luxury to be at home this entire period. And fortunately we do not have to make any other difficult choices, after all we put the plans to travel to Italy on hold last week due to the horrible corona. Soon we will restart the PUPPY NEWS PAGE. I want also announce that there will soon be a page on our webpage where I will show the bronze statues that I make.

01-09-2020 It has been a while since we had something to report. It is the corona that makes we have "outside door" little to do. Travelling is not an option so we decided to consider this year as lost in terms of matches. Boring, but fortunately we never get bored, because our ladies don't care about corona. Our preschoolers Bice and Vivi have now become teenagers and demand their attention. Having two teenagers in the house is driving you crazy, you can't turn around for a moment or they've gotten into mischief again. You can remind us of this if we ever decide to keep two puppies from a litter the next time. Our Sebastiana is now really becoming a grand old lady, the gray is now also on her face. We have decided that she will retire. Her fieldwork & amp; show diplomas have been sent to the ENCI, she is now waiting for her official title & quot; Campione Italiano di Lavoro & quot; which means Italian Working Champion. Fortunately, we still have Duffy, Edda and Bess for the field trails. Although ... our & quot; Bess & quot; Raffaele da Fendi di Ala D'Oro will be mated very soon by & quot; Morrie & quot; Mio Amore di Ala D'Oro. If she turns out to be pregnant after this, she is out of the running for a while. Are you curious about even more or other Ala D'Oro kennel news? follow us on the Ala D'Oro BLOG or on our Ala D'Oro Facebook page!

13-06-2020 The puppies of Edda have almost all found their way to their new owners. It was a super fun time where Edda showed what a sweet, patient mother she is. An extremely carefree litter of 11 puppies. Last weekend, Edda happily parted with her children. We are confident that they will be in the right places, so we also said goodbye with a good feeling. Sunday, July 12, we already have the first day of return, the owners of Edda's babies will receive some more information about this by email. Now it's time to get started with Viviana "Vivi" Beatrice "Bice" who just turned 6 months old. They dry up nicely, too bad we can't show that to judges at the dog show. The toddlers Vivi and Bice will soon start their obedience course at the canine association. The hunting training will also be taken seriously again from 27 June. We are still looking when we can best organize the "da Calabrone" day. More on this later. Our two-year-old Raffaele "Bess" also has to work again. In Italy she surprised us with beautiful mature field work, a super nose and she is very steady. Duffy will help us with Bess' follow up fieldwork training, hopefully she will have a similar career as her mother. But now ... first recover from a busy period!

24-04-2020 A lot to tell this time. We start with the wonderful news that Edda gave birth to eleven puppies. The puppy news page has been online for a while now. The puppies are two weeks old next Monday, they are doing very well. Edda is a sweet caring mother. Last time we wrote here that Beatrice da Calabrone di Ala D'Oro would leave for Denmark, but traveling to Denmark through covid-19 was impossible. We have now decided that Beatrice will continue to live with us. We call her Bice. Vivi and Bice are good friends, which is sometimes a bit difficult, but we are of course already busy educating both ladies. We have also decided that we will have our Raffaele da Fendi di Ala D'Oro "Bes" covered as soon as she is in heat. We (hope) expect her to be in season in August or September. If she has a successful mating we can assume that her puppies will be born in November or December. As soon as we have news, we will mention it here.Are you curious about even more or other Ala D'Oro kennel news? follow us on the Ala D'Oro BLOG or on our Ala D'Oro Facebook page!

14-03-2020 Yesterday we went to the vet for an ultra sound on Edda, we have great news, she's pregnant. Edda da Dama di Ala D'Oro is covered by "Oren" Calabrone Aladoro. Around April 5 we expect their puppies and they are all so welcome. If you are interested in having a puppy from this litter, please send us an email. At the planned combination page you can read more about the upcoming litter. Furthermore, we have had a nice holiday in Italy, despite spoilsport COVID-19. Although the trip was shorter than planned, we nevertheless immensely enjoyed socializing with our friends and had fun days together train the dogs. Now we have returned to the Netherlands, we had to made a final choice that Beatrice da Calabrone di Ala D'Oro will move to Denmark, at least once the borders are open again. Viviana stays with us in Zuidermeer. The page NEW PUPPY is now prepared for the upcoming litter of Edda. The 2019 babies each have their own page at our webpage.

19-02-2020 We have exciting news! Our Edda da Dama di Ala D'Oro is covered by Oren Calabrone Aladoro. In three weeks we will make an ultrasound to determine if Champion Edda is actually pregnant. If this is the case, we can welcome her puppies mid-April 2020. This combination meets up the regulation and rules by both Dutch breed clubs. If you are interested in a puppy from this litter, please send an email. On the following page you can read more about this planned combination. Mean while waiting, we are just still busy with the puppies of Duffy. They are now 10 weeks old. Four of the six puppies have left for their new homes. We hope that they will meet a sporty and happy life. So now there are two puppies left in Zuidermeer, Beatrice and Viviana. In week fifteen one of these puppies will move to friends Denmark. We have still a few weeks to decide which of these two lovely girls we keep to ourselves. It's will not be an easy choice, they are both so cute. On photo you see Duffy with her baby Viviana da Calabrone di Ala D'Oro. The PUPPY NEWS page about their litter can still be visited. PUPPY NEWS, Are you curious about even more or other Ala D'Oro kennel news? follow us on the Ala D'Oro BLOG or on our Ala D'Oro Facebook page!

25-01-2020 A new year has begun. "Bas" Sebastiana da Bruna di Ala D'Oro and "Duffy" Dama Bianca di Ala D'Oro were invited to participate at the Top Dog of the Year Show. On January 12 this prestigious show was held in the Flint in Amersfoort. Duffy had to decline the invitation in connection with the birth of her six puppies on 11 December 2019. Bas of course excepted it, again! Merel Kamphuijs was so sweet to bring Bas onto the catwalk for us and she did more than excellent. Thanks a lot dear Merel. Bas was on this catwalk for the sixth year. That alone should have brought profits. Six years at the top with this dog, it says enough. We are very proud of our Sebastiana. Puppies from Duffy grow steadily in the meantime they are already six weeks old and weigh more than 5 kilograms. separates time is already in sight. Fortunately we will keep a puppy ourselves so we do not see an empty nest. 2020, we will this year focus our attention on our benjamin "Bess" Raffaele da Fendi di Ala D'Oro. Her field work qualities must be redeemed this year. We look forward we can mention her first qualifying field trail here at our webpage. 2020 is also the year for Edda, we hope to finaly welcome Edda's puppies this year. Once there is news about that, we will mention it here. We have PUPPY NEWS.

01-01-2020 We wish you a happy and healthy New Year!









