.Bracco Italiano Kennel Di Ala D'Oro
.Jaap Muller & Tina Steffens


News Page 2017

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05-12-2017We had to say good-bye to our great old friend Miuccia Prada di Ala D'Oro "Motje" on the 2nd of November. We are thankful that we could have her for so many years. She passed away without any suffering. She has left us with so many great and loving memory's witch we will never forget. We are lucky to have her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. She will never be forgotten.
Leipzich Germany was the place were the World Dog Show was held this year. Of course just like any other year we were there, but this year only bring one dog, Sebastiana Bruna di Ala D'Oro. The judge was not a breed specialist. I traveled together with a friend who own a Hovawart. Since I had to show on Thursday and my friend with her dog on Sunday we booked an apartment in a ski recreation area, 1 1/2 hour drive from Leipzich. The dogs enjoyed the great days we went on hiking together. The result of the show was a little less excited, Sebastiana was 2e excellent in working class with a RES. VDH-CAC . Just home from Italy were we have join our good friends to celebrate the Sinterklaas (Dutch version) and of course to enter the Italian field trails with our dogs. The dogs did great. Fine results with lovely qualifications for each dog we have entered. We have found new inspiration to work the dogs, and will take that home. We have made some pictures in Italy, you can see them.
Are you curious about even more or other Ala D'Oro kennel news? follow us on the Ala D'Oro BLOG or on our Ala D'Oro Facebook page!

18-09-2017Lastweek, our kennel visited the 2nd Global Bracco Italiano in Tuscany. The SABI organized on Saturday a show in Arezzo and the Sunday a field trail contest. On Thursday morning we, Guðbjörg and I (Tina) drove to Milan to pick up my friend Salvatore and his work of art for the art-stand he would setup on Saturday. Friday, on our way to Arezzo we visited at the request of Salvatore several stone fabrics near Volterra looking for high quality Alabaster. An experience I will not soon forget. Saturday morning we arived early in Arezzo. 149 Bracchi registered for this show. Our girls were judged by Sonia Bellan. Emiliana Brunella di Ala D'Oro got a 1e excellent in open class and her sister Sebastiana Bruna di Ala D'Oro got a 3rd excellent in the working class. Fine results which we are proud of. Sunday the field trail contest. Guðbjörg was lucky she could walk with the judge in order to follow the match. Our two dogs were working beautifully on Partridge. Emiliana unfortunately did not get points, but Sebastiana did, she was rewarded with a 3rdplace. There were 66 dogs involved in the official DOC field trail and only, 9 dogs were rewarded with a qualification, including our Sebastiana. The judge told he was impressed with the typical way of hunting and poiting of our dogs. And in a group where the other dogs were trained with a braga it was the best compliment of the day. Of course there are photos. At the 11th September our Mariotto di Ala D'Oro died at 11 years of age. We wish Steef and Arjan much strength with this loss.
Are you curious about even more or other Ala D'Oro kennel news? follow us on the Ala D'Oro BLOG or on our Ala D'Oro Facebook page!

09-07-2017To our great sorrow, our Mia Carmen di Ala D'Oro died on the 5th July. Mia had a fast-growing cancer tumor that was not treatable. Mia became only 7.5 years old. She was a sweet, very driven hunting dog. In our Pack she had a good and strength band with all dogs, but most still with her mother "Mot", that was four legs on one belly. Our desire and belief that we would see Mia grow old is unfortunately not come true. Not one day of her life she has been sick and then this, she showed tremendous strength to the end. Mia has achieved large numbers of outstanding show and field work qualifications during her life. And we take much pride on all of her performance. Mia was a dog you could love as a owner very easily. At home she loved all people and animals, outside she only had eye for us, nobody else existed. Every day she gave us the impression that we were super owners. Now we have to continue without our Mia and that will not be easy. She leave a big hole in our heart. Our plans to use a son of Mia in one of our following combinations is now for sure. Through all the sadness around Mia we actually did not find the time before to tell about our visit to "Falki" in Iceland. Our vacation in Iceland was great, of course, we have a photo page created, you will see only a small selection of the photos that we have created. It was so wonderful to once again just to be able to cuddle "Falki". All our thanks goes to Petur and Gigi!

03-06-2017 Time flies. Another week then we will finally visit our sweet Falki in Iceland. In april we were in America. We were visiting the Bracco Italiano Sociaty America and Spinone Club Of America. Great fun to meet new people and of course had cosy days with old acquaintances and friends who live in America. It was a huge honor to be the Judge at the Match at the BISA Nationals. And it was very nice to visit Mia Amante di Ala D'Oro and her babies in Phoenix. After the dog joy we had the time be turists. Of course there is an America photo report. In May we traveled to Italy to hunt with our dogs and compleet our spring training. This time we bring the dogs Calabrone Aladoro, Fabrizio Bettino di Ala D'Oro, Dama Bianca di Ala D'Oro and Sebastiana Bruna di Ala D'Oro. Of course Salvatore and Nadia were there too. Super cozy days, highlighted by a Raduno around Lago Maggiore organized by the Italian Spinone Club. It was really nice that we could participate in the friendly field match with our Bracchi. Of course, we have photo's to show you. Now some news of Edda da Dama di Ala D'Oro. Last month we received her official HD FCI result; HDA. We are happy with it.

19-03-2017Yesterday we have asked the owners of the dogs out of Dama Bianca di Ala D'Oro and Sebastiana Bruna di Ala D'Oro to join us in a Da Dama and da Bruna day. We rented an area in the South West of Holland, so we would have the space and place to enjoy the day in. We have to thank Piet for great tip and his cathering during this day. We were very lucky because the weather predicted we would have a lot of rain but fotunated we only saw water at the end of the day when we were already planning to go home. Jaap and I had a super nice day and we believe the dogs enjoyed the day too. They had the change to retrieve, point, track and PLAY together. The photo's are at our webpage. Then other Ala D'Oro news, Mio Bombo "Swieber" di Ala D'Oro entered the Crufts with his owners Piet en Monique Sangers. He was placed reserve in Openclass. Well done "Swieber" and Piet, our compliments! Are you curious about even more or other Ala D'Oro kennel news? follow us on the Ala D'Oro BLOG or on our Ala D'Oro Facebook page!

02-01-2017Invited at the TOP DOG of the YEAR Show 2016, Amersfoort 15 januari 2017 with Sebastiana Bruna di Ala D'Oro.

02-01-2017To our great sorrow, we must let you know that our dear "Bram" Bramare, Bice di Ala D'Oro has died of the consequences of a spleen torsion. We have had a lot of dear comments by FB and email, for which we like to thank everyone. I don't think I need to explain that 2016 was a sad year for us personally. Fortunately our kennel knew some pretty nice moments such as in February 2016, the birth of the puppies from "Duffy" Dama Bianca di Ala D'Oro and "Bacio" Eduardo Fendi di Ala D'Oro. And in 2016 three dogs from our kennel obtain their Dutch Champion title and one her Dutch Youth Champion Title. In August it was Sebastiana Bruna di Ala D'Oro who took the title ClubWinner 2016 and became BIS at the club match. We see 2017 ahead with confidence. This year it will be all about traveling. America in the spring, Iceland and Italy in summer and Scotland and Italy in the autumn. For people who are waiting for puppies of our kennel, I can say that they have to be patient until 2018. If you don't have patience, then we have good news! In February 2017 the American owners of Mia Amante di Ala D'Oro expect puppies. Are you curious about even more or other Ala D'Oro kennel news? follow us on the Ala D'Oro BLOG or on our Ala D'Oro Facebook page!


RIP Miuccia Prada di Ala D'Oro "Mot"

Sebastiana Bruna di Ala D'Oro


RIP Mariotto di Ala D'Oro "Mauro"

RIP Mia Carmen di Ala D'Oro



Sebastiana Bruna di Ala D'Oro


Bramare Bice di Ala D'Oro
