.Bracco Italiano Kennel Di Ala D'Oro
.Jaap Muller & Tina Steffens


News Page 2008

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28-12-2008Almost 2009, we have received many pictures from Ala D'Oro off spring all around the World last couple of weeks. We are so happy with that. Thank you! Next week I will try to make some time to put them on the Internet. We wish all our friends a happy New Year!

23-12-2008Yesterday we entered the Chirstmas dogshow in Wijchen, the last important international show of the year in Holland. Our kennel did again excellent ! After we where judged in the ring of honour we got so many compliments. Our "Mot", "Mauro" and "Laura" are HUNKS!

07-12-2008New pictures on the stud dog page

30-11-2008Amsterdam Winner show. We had so much fun! It is also a compliment for us to see that from the seventeen bracchi that entered this International show, twelve have Ala D'Oro blood in their vanes. The judge, a breed specialist was very happy to see the typical head and toplines in our bred dogs. All this and the very typical movement of Miuccia Prada "Mot" made her decide to give her the Best of Breed. The results of our dogs are at the page.

29-11-2008 A small Ala D'Oro review 2008. Click here to visit our BLOG>>>

23-11-2008Snow is in our country. Not so much but enough to get this lovely picture of Dolce Amore. The puppies of our latest litter are growing up well. Soon we can "hieperdepiep" on their birthday! We have organized a Bracco walk. On the Saturday before the Winner show in Amsterdam we will meet up with many friends. If you want to know more about this, please contact us by email.
Yesterday we have got the excellent news that Anki's Ensemble "Stella" is pregnant! We already agree with Anki to plan a visit to Sweden when the puppies are there. We are looking forward to this!

10-11-2008Time fly. The children of Laura have their fourth birthday.
Congratulations to them all!

07-11-2008The children of Miuccia Prada have their second birthday. Congratulations to them all! Our thoughts are with Silvestro.

02-11-2008 His children are doing excellent in show ring, yesterday it was Tito Pedrini "Ago" himself that entered the show ring in Holland. The Swedish judge was clear; Very typical bracco male with excellent expression and movement. More information?

25-10-2008 Our special visitors from Sweden left our house. But we agree that when we go to Sweden, we will visit Ankie from kennel Ensemble for sure. We had some great day's!
New pictures at our webpage from Marcellina, Emilia Pucci, Dolce Amore, en Mariotto di Ala D'Oro.

14-10-2008We have had lovely day's in Hungary, read about it in our report.

30-10-2008 Co-Owner Dick Mientjes and Castellano di Ala D'Oro entered the a field trail at 30 september 2008. They obtain a honarable mention called a EV. Congradulations! At our BLOG a full report writen by Dick Mientjes (sorry only in Dutch).

03-10-2009 Excellent in Hungary
Res. CAC Miuccia Prada di Ala D'Oro
CAC Mariotto di Ala D'Oro
CAC & Res. CACIB Laura Biagiotti di Ala D'Oro

28-09-2008This coming weeks will be very exciting. We start with a trip to Hungary. We will enter the European dogshow and the clubshow with some of our dogs. On our way to the Hungarian shows we will visit our boy Valentino di Ala D'Oro. Valentino's owners have a holiday house in the area. When we are back, we hope that we can bring you good news. Last week we recieved news from the owners of Bartolomea di Ala d'Oro. At a hunting/field trail test for young dogs in the Czech republic she obtain the Res. CACT with 214 point. Well done! Congratulations!

22-09-2008New pictures on the webpage of Salvatore, Berenice and Peppino di Ala D'Oro

13-09-2008New pictures of Rubella, Laura Biagiotti, Elefantino Rosso, Mara Anna, Miuccia Prada, Mariotto, Maranzano, Missoni, Castellano and Prima Donna.
Duck hunting season is open. More news at our webpage soon!09-09-2008The clubmatch CFBIS

07-09-2008. We have been in France, it was a lovely day. It was nice to meet some old and some new friends. We are happy that our dogs did very well, Mariotto di Ala D'Oro became Best In Show!

06-0-2008Bambaia "Bambi" and Kim has written Danish History. Bambi has as the first Bracco ever in Denmark recieved a 1st price/Excellent on a field trail today. Kim (who is a hunting trainer himself) has done a great job with this Ala D'Oro lady. We can't tell them enough, we are so very proud on you both!

31-08-2008 Ala D'Oro did well today in Rotterdam. Best Male and Female, BOB and 2e BIG. Our sweet and handsome champion Tito Pedrini got the r. CAC, witch's is the full CAC in this case! Puppy Dolce Amore was judged 1 Very Promising with such a excellent report that we have good hopes for the future.

30-08-2008The summer comes to a end, the dog season starts again. Rotterdam show tomorrow will be the place where our Dolce Amore will make her début in the show ring. And next week we will visit France with a nice group of people. The clubmatch will be held there. This club have organized a show and ability test for Bracco and Spinone. A report will follow.

18-08-08New pictures on our webpage from Dolce Amore, Amarone, Mariotto, Violetta, Laura Biagiotti en Missoni.

03-08-2008New pictures from Ombrone and Passerina.

28-07-2008The puppies of Miuccia Prada "Mot" and Andor are 5 month old. One of the puppies of this litter, our Dolce Amore spend her holiday with us. This weekend we had the opportunity to visit sister Mara Anna. Of course, photo's of these two girls has been taken. Thanks Stephanie for that!

27-07-2008New pictures from Castellano.

22-07-2008New pictures on our webpage from Mariotto , Armani en Dolce Amore. and new pictures of Peppino .

15-07-2008Puppies from Miuccia Prada X Andor are doing great. They all grow up into lovely sweet youngsters. Some of the puppies already had some experiences with pheasant. Positive training is the way you train a Bracco puppy, that is most important. Experience with water and swimming is something that you must not forget. This summer period is perfect to start with that. We are very enthusiastic about the positive experiences of the owners of these puppies. Also some puppies will soon enter the show ring for the first time.

12-07-2008The pictures from Sweden are at our webpage. The report is now only in Dutch but translation will follow soon. Enjoy the pictures>>>

08-07-2008Just back from Sweden and Denmark! The dogs did well at the trip and at the World Dog show. Laura Biagiotti di Ala D'Oro obtain the title "Swedish Champion". Soon a report with more pictures! News on the BLOG

29-06-2008Tito Pedrini di Ala D'Oro, alias "Ago" his off spring are doing great in Europe's showring. Yesterday at the Internationale dogshow in Holland, BiancoRosso Alberto Braglia became BOB of the 11 bracchi that entered in Uden. Read the BLOG for more information. Our bags are packed. Coming week we will be in Denmark and Sweden. Our dogs are ready for the World Dog Show. It is now up to the Italian judge to pick the right winn(st)er.

29-06-2008New pictures of Armani at our wegpage.

27-06-2008The first results of Ch. Miuccia Prada's X Ch. Adelchi's children where send to us. Official FCI A results for Violetta, Mariotto, Giacomo, Leonardo and Bartolomea. And soon we will have results of Minotti, Bambaia, Berenice and Peppino.

27-06-2008The first results of Ch. Miuccia Prada's X Ch. Adelchi's children where send to us. Official FCI A results for Violetta, Mariotto, Giacomo, Leonardo and Bartolomea. And soon we will have results of Minotti, Bambaia, Berenice and Peppino. In the past ten years we x-rayed all puppies that where born in our house, we use the information we get out of these test to develop our knowledge about this lovely breed and of course to improve the quality of our bloodlines. For some owners these excellent results mean that they can realize their own plans for a litter now. Our friends from Norway, Rigmor and Thomas who own Violetta di Ala D'Oro had planed a litter in early 2009. With the excellent results of her hips and elbows there is no reason to delay anymore. This planned litter promise to be something special. A good thing for the bracco interest from Great Britain; these puppies can be imported to the GB without the quarantine period, because Norway is a rabies' free country.

26-06-2008News on the BLOG
On picture Ch. Miuccia Prada and Ch. Missoni di Ala D'Oro having their fourth birthday today!

23-06-2008Our Champion Castellano became a father yesterday afternoon. Mother "Linda"gave birth to five lovely orange puppies. All are doing well. It is a pitty that it is not so easy to visit them, this is because they are born in Finland. We will certainly update you about these puppies at our webpage. Who want more information about this litter , about these puppies, just send an E-mail. The working tests started. Our Mariotti is doing realy well and already many judges are impressed by the atractive work he has showed. Soon more news! New pictures at the webpage, this time a few of Mariotto en Passerina Ardini. Click here >>>
News on the BLOG!

19-06-2008New pictures of Emila Pucci.
And news on the BLOG!

15-06-2008I have put some pictures of our holiday in Norway at the webpage, go to Extra Page.
New pictures of Dolce Amore and Mara Anna.
And the BLOG has been updated, most of the text is in English now!

14-06-2008Patience, that is what you must have when you track deer and roe. Yesterday evening Jaap's patience was rewarded. While the rest of Holland was looking at the European football game, Jaap shoot his first fully mature roe-buck . Of course we had to take some pictures. Well, we know what we will eat with Christmas!


08-06-2008New pictures at our webpage of Violetta and Bambaia di Ala D'Oro.

08-06-2008New pictures at our webpage of Maranzano, Mariotto, Prima Donna, Laura en Rubella di Ala D'Oro.

07-06-2008New pictures at our webpage of our Solo Una di Ala D'Oro who live in Denmark.

07-06-2008We are back from our summer holiday, we have so many pictures to sort out that it will take some time to get them on the Internet. I have put some pictures on the BLOG, and will continue to do that in the next weeks. Well summer holiday is finish but we are lucky because it is only four weeks before we will go North again, then to Denmark and Sweden. There we will meet up with our friends again!

24-05-2008 Summer Holiday! Check our BLOG regular/daily! English version start day from tomorrow!

23-05-2008New pictures of Giacomo, Minotti and Mariotto, go to update photo.

22-05-2008Last week we went to the vet with "Motje's" children (who live in Holland). They are old enough to make official x-ray to see if there is hip dysphasia. Ten years ago we started to x-ray all the puppies that are born in our kennel. We collect al result so we would have a representative impression of our bloodline. The first three year we went to a vet in Zeist but the last 7 years we go to a vet practice in Enkhuizen. This year they opened their new practice, it is beautiful, they have a lot of space, a brand new building and all kind of modern and new vet's equipment. Our puppy owners could take home the analysis of their own dog on CD. For us it was pleasant to see the owners and the dogs. We hope to receive the official result in a week or 3-4 from the Dutch Kennel Club.

19-05-2008We are waiting for some good news, if all go well we hope to have a pregnant bracco girl in Finland. When we have more news we will let you know.

We recieved lovely pictures from the puppies of Marcellina di Ala D'Oro "Sadie". The owners Ralph and Barrie (Minnittes kennel) are happy with their puppies. "Sadie", the daugther of Gabbana gave birth to six puppies two weeks ago. We of course follow up this litter! From a previous litter one of the lovely puppies have made it into a magazine of one of the important hunting association.

17-05-2008Spring Field trail season is now behind us, di Ala D'Oro did more then well. We obtain two field trail qualifications at imortant Italian competition. As promised some time ago, the pictures and a Dutch report (translation in English will follow) , take a look. For us the summer has begun.

Go and see the new pictures at our webpage .

Last litter puppies from Miuccia and Andor have settled in into their new homes. Also the last puppy, the one that went to Africa has finally arrived in her new home.

Last weeks some of our off spring have entered the show ring. They did all very well, congratulations! The results are at the result page.

Again we want to thank everybody for their heartwarming e-mail's, telephone calls and even letters. After we put the sad news about Silvestro on Internet we where again overwhelmed with the sweet reactions.

02-05-2008After a very sad week we thought it was time to thank our dear friends and family for their comforting words, phonecalls and e-mail's. Last week we have lost our sweet boy Silvestro. During an training he was hit by a slow driving lorry, he died later in a emergency animal hospital by multiple internal injuries.

29-04-2008New pictures on our webpage!

15-04-2008The puppies are ready to go to their new homes.

07-04-2008Today is a busy day for the puppies, the vet will come by to vaccinate.

06-04-2008At the international dogshow in Goes the judge gave all present Ala D'Oro's and their close family a Excellent report. Mariotto di Ala D'Oro Became Best Male and BOB! Well done boy's and girls!

03-04-2008Our field trail toppers are back from Italy. We can add a Italian glass bowl field trail trophy and a field trail cup in our special field trail cabinet. At this moment I do not find the time to give you a full report about these day's, but I think it will work to make it this weekend, so just come back to see the details.

03-04-2008Our puppies develop great, today the Dutch Kennel Club will identify the puppies and give them a micro chip. This coming weekend I will try to make extra pictures of the puppies for the new owner who live abroad.

Spinone kennel Stannamore has 2 brown males and 1 brown female for sale. They are born at 26 January 2008 and ready to leave.

31-03-2008HOT NEWS, today a Championship field trail qualification in Livorno (It.) The judge gave Laura a perfect report and the suprise... Ala D'Oro number 1!
Soon a full report.

Great ALA d'ORO results during the Championship field trails in Toscany, Italy. With glorious reports from Italian field trail judges. Again our Ala D'Oro dogs "WITH TAIL" seems to impress the Italian field trail judges. We could not be more proud. Soon a full report about this weekend at our webpage.

The puppies are today five weeks old, they are still going strong. At the webpage week 5 you can find now all nine puppies in a personal portrait.
But now we begin at week 6, Already we have put on new pictures!

News at our BLOG

29-03-2008Today Missoni di Ala D'Oro obtain her GG2 diploma! Congratulations Klara.

New pictures from the puppies at week 5 click here!

16-03-2008Yesterday the International show in Leiden. Silvestro did very well. In our BLOG news about his first show in 2008. Then we are so proud on Mariotto, "Mauro" and his owner/trainer Stephanie. During the hunting test that was organized by the "Hubertus"club, he obtain a B-diploma . And with only 16 month old that is special and super! In Denmark Bambaia "Bambie" started with the field trail season 2008. Well, you could say that Denmark was very impressed by this sweet girls work. Kim we are also very proud on your work with your dogs!

24-03-2008News from the puppies at week 5. The puppies are today four weeks old, they are doing great. Today It is second Easter day and we have snow..... hopefully the snow will disappear soon, I personally do not like snow and for what I understand from the weather casting snow at Easter is not at all Dutch!

21-03-2008Happy Easter!

11-03-2008Stephanie is getting better and better with her camera. She has send us new pictures of Mariotto, "Mauro".
Mariotto is a son of "Motjes"first litter. I think the pictures are of top-quality!
At the BLOG you see our Bice, she is the greatgrandmother of the puppies.
You can still follow up the puppies daily at their webpage.

04-03-2008Puppies, puppies, puppies, it is so lovely busy with our puppies. Today I have cut their nails for the first time. At the BLOG you see the picture.

02-03-2008Yesterday we had supper pleasant visitors at our house. At the end of the day some of them want to kidnap a puppy to take home, because they are so sweet. For the webpage visitors; Everyday we put news and pictures on the special daily puppy news page, please feel free to follow them up.
The Danish Kennel Club has send us the official Championship papers of Tito Perdini di Ala D'Oro, we could not be more happy.

26-02-2008Yeah, Yipeeee! We have nine puppies, they where born yesterday! From today you can follow these puppies at our special puppy page.

23-02-2008Although WE think "Motje" is ready to deliver, she seems to be in no hurry. This morning again no signs of her getting into labor. Patience that is all we can have in this situation. Meanwhile, "Motje" is eating like she need to feed 100 puppies.
On our BLOG we had some visitors who started a poule to bet how many puppies will be born but also what date they will be born. I think Hanneke already lost the bet of the date. Sorry Hanneke but maybe you will be right on the numbers.

21-02-2008On picture: Miuccia Prada is ready to deliver her puppies. Follow the news on the puppy page.

18-02-2008This weekend we had to go to Denmark "again". And we are proud to tell you that both Fiorucci as Tito Pedrini di Ala D'Oro obtain the title of Danish Champion at the dog show in Odense! We (Tina and Ingrid) where happy to see Kim with Fiorucci and Bambaia and of course Lars and Stine and their daughter and Maarten with their sweet dog Solo Una. Soon I hope to have received the pictures for this webpage.
From Norway we got the excellent news about Violetta di Ala D'Oro, she became BOB and 3e BIG at the dog show in Fauske Norway.
At the picture "Motje" very very pregnant!

13-02-2008Back from Denmark, "Motje's belly is getting bigger and bigger, puppies are expected in 10 day's from now. "Motje" is doing fine!
We have received picture from Bianco Rosso's "Mio". She is one of the daughters of Fiorucci and Tito Pedrini litter begin 2007. "Mio"is a look a like of her father "Ago" but of course more feminine. In our BLOG you can see one picture of "Mio".
We have put new pictures on the webpage of Prima Donna, Laura Biagiotti, Donna Anna, Freccia Celeste, Fiorucci, Bambaia and Silvestro.

31-01-2008Our very pregnant Miuccia Prada is a top model, although her tummy is getting bigger she is still every photographer's dream.

24-01-2008We where asked by the secretary of the Swedish Bracco Italiano/ Spinone club , to make a little advertisement for the upcoming Dog Shows in Sweden.

19-01-2008The ultra sound that we did yesterday on Miuccia Prada "Motje" showed that she is pregnant! Puppies are expected to be born around 22 February 2008.

13-01-2008Yesterday Jaap and Wim went to our hunt in Drenthe North-Holland to shoot a row deer (female). They could not get the female in front of their rifle. A shame but at least it was easy to get the row deer in front of the camera. A pity for the boy's, next time more luck, you still have some time to complete the mission.

02-11-2008 Ala D'Oro win all CAC & CACIB's at Bleiswijk
Tito Pedrini di Ala D'Oro BOB and 6e BIG!

28-09-2008 Miuccia Prada di Ala D'Oro

06-0-2008 Bambaia has written Danish History.

30-08-2008 Dolce Amore

28-07-2008 Dolce Amore & Mara Anna 5 month old

Laura Biagiotti di Ala D'Oro Swedish Champion

A lovely day in our garden and of course a photo moment together!

Mariotto, "Mauro" in action during the huntingtest

14-06-2008 Jaap and the roe-buck!

07-06-2008 Rigmor, Jaap and the dogs in Norway.

22-05-2008 The owners and dogs in front of the new practise of our vet Dr. Lub and the three brothers still love each other.

19-05-2008 Minnittes Aleesa made it into a magazine of one of the important hunting association.

17-05-2008 Mom with Gabbana and "Mot", enjoy the Dutch sun

03-03-2008 Italy 31-03-2008 Jaap sparkle when the Italian president of the SABI and the field trail judge from this day offer him the glass bowl that he had won at the field trail. At the background deputies from the ENCI.

Thomas met pup!

11-03-2008 Mariotto di Ala D'Oro

22-02-2008 Tito Pedrini and Fiorucci Champion!!

25-02-2008 Puppies are born!!

23-02-2008 We are so ready, puppies are welcome!

21-02-2008 Puppies Expected!!

31-01-2008 Pregnant Miuccia Prada di Ala D'Oro

13-01-2008 Row Deer in Drenthe