.Bracco Italiano Kennel Di Ala D'Oro
.Jaap Muller & Tina Steffens


News Page 2018

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24-12-2018 The year is already at its end. And a nice and beautiful year we had. With completely focussed on the last litter of Dama Bianca di Ala D'Oro whose pups were born at the end of April of this year. The two pups from this litter we have kept are now 8 months old. Meanwhile Broggio and Bess have put their first steps in the hunting field already. So far we see beautiful things and we can see their hunting future will be worth stimulating. This year we have visited only a few shows with our dogs, thankfull that all the results were great. We have won the BeneluxWinner title and Club winner title by Sebastiana, the VISJ Bello & Bravo '18 club title by Mio Amore and we even have one more Ala D'Oro Dutch Champion, Edda da Dama di Ala D'Oro obtain with ease the points for the Dutch championship title. She made us even more happy at the end of this year when she proved that she is not only a show champion but also inherited the great hunting genes of her parents. She participated at four Championship field trials in Italy witch resulted in four official field work qualifications. Co-owner June and we are very proud of Edda's wonderful results in the show and in the field. We are happy with the decision to delay to breed with Edda until the beginning of 2019. A fine choice as it turns out now.
It is a pleasure to work with these dogs. Each on their own level, we see further progress every time.
We wish all Ala D'Oro Fans and Friends a Merry Christmas and a healthy and great 2019. Remains to mention that the report of our trip to Italy is placed on the Web page.
Are you curious about even more or other Ala D'Oro kennel news? follow us on the Ala D'Oro BLOG or on our Ala D'Oro Facebook page!

20-11-2018 Last month the Hunting test, Field Trail and Club Championship Show were held organised by our Dutch Club for Bracco and Spinone (VISJ). The first VISJ Hunting test was a success and we already hear that it will be held for sure next year again. We were proud to see so many good ranking by Ala D'Oro off spring. It make us so proud to see that so many dogs from our kennel and their owners enter these working events. We consider it as the cherry on the cake for our hard work to promote the Bracco Italiano as a working dog. There are some photo's at our webpage from these events. In the weekend of 20 and 21 October we entered with our dogs in the VISJ Raduno The field trail was held on Saturday and the show on Sunday. We are proud to report that Mio Amore di Ala D'Oro obtain the Club title Bello&Bravo 2018, congrats to Stephanie the co-owner and handler of "Amore". Also proud because Sebastiana Bruna di Ala D'Oro obtain the ClubWinner title 2018 and became Best In Show for the fourt time! Over the moon with these results! Click here to see the results>>> Begin November we organized "da Fendi " puppy day. Six puppy's came to join us for a small hunting practise for fun. It was great to see them together again now they are six month of age. We made some nice pictures from the "da Fendi" day, click here>>> Are you curious about even more or other Ala D'Oro kennel news? follow us on the Ala D'Oro BLOG or on our Ala D'Oro Facebook page!

10-09-2018The BeneluxWinner and WDS are long passed. We had super nice days. Excellent judgment for Edda and Mio Amore. Sebastiana Bruna obtain the BeneluxWinner 2018 title and became Best Working dog. From Thursday until Sunday it was very cozy but busy at home, with our guests from Italy and America. It was great to greet everybody in person again. Sunday after the WDS we were occupied at the FUN day MEETGREET from the Dutch Bracco Italiano & Spinone Club (the VISJ). We organized it and upfront we had put a lot of time and effort in planning this event. We are totally satisfied and want to thank you all for the multiple compliments we have received about the FUN day organization . Everybody had a great day and this is why we organized it in the first place. Now back to normal live were we started the field trail training again. And hope for a good trail results in the Autumn. With a little luck we manage to registrar an official field trail result for Edda before she become in season and hopefully have puppies. Are you curious about even more or other Ala D'Oro kennel news? follow us on the Ala D'Oro BLOG or on our Ala D'Oro Facebook page!

27-07-2018Edda da Dama di Ala D'Oro is DUTCH CHAMPION! She obtain her last Championship point at Zwolle where she became Beste Female at an Internationale dog show under an Italian judge. We congratulate Edda's Schotische co-owner and dear friend June Laing with this fine result. Together with June we decided to try to have a litter from Edda as soon she come into season. More informataion about this combination will follow later. The puppies of Dama Bianca di Ala D'Oro are now 13 weeks old. Most puppies have left us already to built up an active live with there new owners. We have kept Ambrogio and Raffaele fromthis litter. Stephanie Turion is Ambrogio's co-owner. Hunting training together, because of the heet coming weekend, we decided to cancel the Ala D'Oro hunting training of 29 July. Only one training together left in two weeks from now. We call upon all owners of an Ala 'D'Oro pup/dog to enter the VISJ FUN DAG at the 12th of August. It would be fun to see doggy family as much as possible. Are you curious about even more or other Ala D'Oro kennel news? follow us on the Ala D'Oro BLOG or on our Ala D'Oro Facebook page!

30-05-2018The pups by Dama Bianca di Ala D'Oro & Eduardo Fendi di Ala D'Oro are already 5 weeks old. Every day they get visitors and because it is such a delicious weather we receive the visitors from this week in the garden. Today we have new pictures posted in WEEK 5. Tomorrow WEEK 6 on the Web page. I urge all owners of an Ala ' d'Oro puppy/dog to join us to experience the VISJ FUN DAYon August the 12th. How nice would it be to be able to meet family of your dog. If you all come this will be a possibility. On the page of the Bracco and Spinone Association you can read more about this event.
Furthermore, we have the intention to cover Edda da Dama di Ala D'Oro by Fabrizio Bettino di Ala D'Oro in the summer so that we of the autumn hopefully have puppies again.
For those interested, we have a number of joint hunting training sessions on the agenda. NOTE: the training at the 1 July fell, we will plan another date in its place. For the lovers, we have put four joint training sessions (in the Netherlands) on the agenda. If you are holding a Ala D'Oro you can sign up to join us to train. Nothing should be, anything goes.
Are you curious about even more or other Ala D'Oro kennel news? follow us on the Ala D'Oro BLOG or on our Ala D'Oro Facebook page!

30-04-2018 25 April 2018 the pups of Dama Bianca di Ala D'Oro X Eduardo Fendi di Ala D'Oro were born. We are super happy. We have started a page directly where you can follow the pups. And from now on, there is every week a new link is active. At this moment you can find all the information about the father and mother, about how it went on their day of birth and how the pups are faring now, almost every day some new pictures and reports. At the moment we are in WEEK 5. Dama Bianca di Ala D'Oro "Duffy" doing great good. She looks super fit and is so sweet and patient with her ten children. At the moment she is still continuously in the nest box, she only to eat and pee and poop. The pups grow fine and almost doubled their body weight already. This litter complies with the rules of the both Bracco Italiano clubs and Kennel Club in the Netherlands. On the Web page of the Italian Ponting dog Club, which we are members of, there is a birth message. In the meantime we have approached all the people who have shown interest in recent months contacted and let them know if they wil have a puppy. Unfortunately, we could not make everyone happy. But we have the intention to cover a bitch in the summer so we have puppies again hopefully in the autumn.

Still a couple of days, then is Dama Bianca di Ala D'Oro calculated It is expected that the pups of DuffyXEduardo should be born around 25 April . We are ready! And when they are here we of course have the intention to publish lots of pictures like always, and make daily reports as much as possible from events in and around the litter. The page where you can find all this fun is already uploaded, so you can visited it now and come back every day for litter news. The people on our info list, who have been at our home get a notice when the puppies are there. Also they will be informed about the availability of a puppy. And while it's tempting to immediately do this after birth, we wait until the pups are around five days old. With this combination we follow the rules of ethics requirements of the Association Italian Pointing Dogs and the BIC. News from Iceland, the owners of "Falki" Guzzi da Dama di Ala D'Oro let us know he is a Champion. We congratulate Petur and Guðbjörg. Proud of the show results of "Falki". Edda da Dama di Ala D'Oro was at The Dogshow Utrecht best bitch and obtained her first point for the Dutch Championship diploma.
For the lovers, we have put four joint training sessions (in the Netherlands) on the agenda. If you are holding a Ala D'Oro you can sign up to join us to train. Nothing should be, anything goes.
Are you curious about even more or other Ala D'Oro kennel news? follow us on the Ala D'Oro BLOG or on our Ala D'Oro Facebook page!

19-03-2018 Update
The ultra sound on Sebastiana Bruna di Ala D'Oro shows us no puppies. We are disappointed but we have the opportunity to try this combination again in August/September 2018
We now wait for the ultra sound of Dama Bianca. Dama Bianca di Ala D'Oro has been mated. Soon we will let us through an ultrasound determine whether she is actually pregnant. It is expected that the pups of DuffyXEduardo would come the third week of April. We are very hopeful on pups because the cover went really well. On the Internet page we have put some information about our combination . We look forward already huge on the birth of the puppies. Super exciting. Begin March we were in Italy with Sebastiana and Edda. Sebastiana scored an excellent and very well on the fieldwork contest and on the Bracco Italiano Special in Lodi both dogs got an excellent of the judge. Sebastiana got as a bonus a RES. CAC in the working class. We again are proud. A photo report is on the Internet page.
For the lovers, we have put four joint training sessions (in the Netherlands) on the agenda. If you are holding a Ala D'Oro you can sign up to join us to train. Nothing should be, anything goes.

Are you curious about even more or other Ala D'Oro kennel news? follow us on the Ala D'Oro BLOG or on our Ala D'Oro Facebook page!

03-01-2018 We wish you a happy and healthy New Year!
The past year was especially in sign of celebrating holidays. We traveled to Iceland, USA, Scotland, Germany and Italy a few times. We have build up some fine memories, but as always there were very sad moments too. So begins 2018 without the dogs Mia Carmen di Ala D'Oro, Miuccia Prada di Ala D'Oro and Mariotto di Ala D'Oro. They will be forever in our harts.
2018 is in state sign of family expansion. In any case, we have plenty of plans for this year. We would like to have puppies from both Dama Bianca di Ala D'Oro as from Sebastiana Bruna di Ala D'Oro. Beautiful male dogs we have picked to coverages our females. If our estimates are correct we will have, beginning summer puppies walking around. We are ready for it, now we wait for them to become in season.
The 14th of Januari 2018 Sebastiana Bruna di Ala D'Oro (on photo- six weeks) will represent our Kennel at the dogshow "Top Dog of the Year". This is the third year she has been invited due to her show results. Well hope the judge love a dog who know how to hunt and to show. For us she already is the Winner. Are you curious about even more or other Ala D'Oro kennel news? follow us on the Ala D'Oro BLOG or on our Ala D'Oro Facebook page!




Sebastiana Bruna di Ala D'Oro Clubwinner 2018


Champion Edda da Dama di Ala D'Oro





