.kennel di Ala D'Oro Bracco Italiano
.Jaap Muller & Tina Steffens

Ala D'Oro & Hungary

Together on a trip to Hungary and stay in a lovely hunting lodge, show two days and train the dogs on Hungary fields. Never before we have been to Hungary, we where curious about the landschape. On our way to hungary we promissed our friend and owner of Valentino di Ala D'Oro, Antonella to visit her at her lovely house in Germany, near the border of Austria. Of course we had to promis Antonella to stay for diner and sleep over. We arived early so there was enough time to take a good walk in the old forest that is all round the house. After the walk we enjoyed the company of Antonella and her doughter. Antonella spoiled us terible the whole evening, she is a wonderfull Italian cook. Then our boy Valentinodi Al aD'Oro, he has the excellent Ala D'Oro looks, his behaviour is lovely. It is a shame that this was only a short visit but we have agreed to go come back real soon. After a good breakfast we had to say goodbye. The journey to Hungary is easy, on time we reach the place where we had agree to meet up with Gabor. Gabor our hungarian host was already waiting for us. He took us to the hunting lodge, that we would never have found without his help. It is in the midle of the forest, the way up to it is ten minute drive on a bumpy soft road. The ornganisation(Frans and Gabor) did not promisse to much! The area where we are is great, the huntinglodge lovely . The room in the lodge super-de-luxe.

Friday show in Budapest. The city is realy beautyfull, it is a shame that this weekend too many people where are on their way in Budapest, we have been in one BIG traffic jam. And after three hours not moving at all even the most beautyfull architecuture is getting a litle boring. At the Hungarian show we see and talk to a lot of "old" italian friends. We exchange the most important information and have a good day. The show results; our dogs are doing great, we have reached higest possible at this show withthis judge, we are satisfied. We spend our afternoon in the many shops and enjoy the sun. Next day the club show. The weather..... very wet and cold. It is unbelievable that the tempature change so easaly here, it is at least 15 degree celsius less then the day before. Despite of the weather we have had a great time. it has bee a long time ago that we have had so much fun, histerical! We want to thank andmake a compliment to Katalin Balogh, she organised this event very well. The showresults; again we where satisfied, our dogs got all excellent rewards. At the end of the day, in the ring of honour, the English judge thought our dogs where of high quality and made the Ala d'Oro group 1e best in Clubshow. At the picture you see next to the Bracco also the Spinone, the Drentse Patrijs hond, Friese Stabij hond, and div. Franse pointers and English pointer, these breeds are also gathered in the bracco Club of Hungary.

Dan de jachtdag, na onze gezellige dag op de show kon deze reis sowieso niet meer stuk. Het weer was niet te vergelijken met de dag ervoor, nu weer 15 graden warmer. De velden die ons werden aangeboden waren prima. Om de jonge honden te trainen werden fazanten gebruikt die vooraf werden uitgezet. De eerste drie fazanten gingen flink op de loop, voor de jonge honden nog een beetje te moeilijk. Er werd snel besloten de fazanten te strikken. Hierdoor is opvliegen mogelijk maar weglopen niet. Dit werkte perfect, een prima training waarbij vooral de jonge honden leerde dat er afstand gehouden moet worden wil men de fazant vast zetten.

Natuurlijk werd er ook geschoten, Gabor en zijn vriend stonden de hele dag klaar om de gefluchde fazanten een genade schot te geven. Waarna er natuurlijk door alle honden geapporteerd kon worden.

Wij hebben weer een heleboel inspiratie opgedaan op deze dag. Jaap en ik zijn trots op Mariotto en Stephanie. Je kan echt goed zien dat die twee druk aan het trainen zijn. Onze "Mot" en Laura hebben mooi werk geleverd. Vooral het vasthoudende gedrag van "Mot" tijdens de nazoek maakte op ons indruk. Wij hebben het prima naar onze zin gehad en willen iedereen bedanken voor hun gezelligheid. Frans en Gabor, bedankt voor de organisatie van deze leuke dagen, het is zeker voor herhaling vatbaar!